Monday, June 8, 2009

Boo Obama Adminstration

I can't believe that "Don't Ask Dont' Tell" crap passed during the Clinton years (and seen as progressive then) isn't being repealed. It's completely unrealistic and unconstitutional. We've been embroiled in a nasty war for years, and will probably be tackling Afghanistan and Pakistan at a higher level before long, trying to root out bin Laden and the Taliban. We NEED all the able bodies in our Armed Forces we can get, not to be tossing folks out on their head and dismissing years of training and service just because an individual has romantic relations w/someone of the same sex.

Our soldiers fighting put themselves at death's door everyday, and as one soldier said, how can you trust your fellow soldiers if they have to lie about their sexual orientation? Is that honorable, to be closeted and secretive?

This law is a massive civil rights violation, and completely unconstitutional. I thought Obama and his minions would take a more pro-active stance on this. Perhaps they have some good reasons they're not sharing, but....

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