Thursday, June 4, 2009

Newt and Rush - grow a pair, or shut up!

Both NewtGingrich and Rush Limbaugh have retracted their heinous, hate-based comments that the Supreme Court elect Sotomayor is racist.

Does this mean:

a) They really DIDN'T mean that she was a racist but were just saying it to stir the already-simmering ire in our country? or...

b) They really DID mean it, but the backlash from their own Republican Party made them retract their statements out of fear?

Either way - mean what you say, and say what you mean! This whole trend of spewing hatred, derisiveness and angst because you can is just old, guys. C'mon - be real men. If you think she's a racist, have the balls to stand by the statement. Don't cave like  a little girl when your party comes down on you.

Or, better yet - open your hearts and minds and look for real Truth, not some GOP rhetorical sound bites that will fire up your constituents.

Oh wait - you don't have constituents! Neither of you are elected officials! So - why the hell do I even care what you're saying?

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